Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dont Forget.

Ahhh it's been a crazy week again. School, tuitions, marching etc.
Troop Camp for scouts was held yesterday (10/4) and today (11/4). Went back on Saturday night cause the elder sister had party to celebrate her amazing SPM results. So I came home, took a nice quick bath, and ate LOKLOK! =D

I fell asleep infront of the TV while the guests were watching Avatar. Somehow, I managed to drag myself into the bedroom and had a nice sleep till 8.30am this morning. I literally jumped off the bed and go get ready cause I had to head back to school for camp.

Camp was okaaay. Too much free time in my opinion. And oh, how I love my patrol members. =D

Oh and and and, I skipped school on Open Day! Somehow managed to convince my mum to let me stay at home. I know school would be such a bore on that day la. However, the main point was to prevent myy mum from seeing my teachers cause I know the teachers would complain alot since I rarely do homework. Not to mention skipping classes for at least 2periods a day in average.=D

I cant wait till Sports Day cause this is the first year I join the marching team. Yes i know right. I didnt wanna suffer, practicing everyday. But I decided to try out this year and it's not as bad as I thought.

Okay Im tired. Bye.

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