Saturday, February 06, 2010

Lagikan Rindu.

Im really confused. And depressed.
I really really wonder what are people thinking actually.
They can change so fast, they can be so double-faced.
And my emotions are actually manipulated by their acts.
So dumb. Yet there's nothing I can do about it.

Well actually I can. Oh yes I can.


Oh crap what was I bullshitting about man ==

Okay so today's a Saturday, but had to go to school. I didnt want to go at first, but stupid sis woke me up and sort of forced me to go ughhh. So I went, and only had 2 periods of Bio. I ponteng-ed the rest of the classes HAH. After that choir, and straight away went to Pyramid with sis to join TzeJing and friends for her belated birthday celebration. I was kinda left out since I was the only form5.

After a long while, MayEe came and we walked, and went to the photobooth. Snapped a few pictures which we're clearly NOT satisfied of, and then we had to go already. So sad man we only shopped together for such a short period of time.

And OH, sis and I got nothing to do before meeting up with the rest so we decided to go for piercings! We already had one on both sides of ears. Sis did one more on each side and I did two more on one side. So Im having 3 piercings on my right ear and one on my left ear now! I am SUPER impressed with them and I LOVE IT!=D Except that I have to wear them for at least one week, and no seafood/egg for the rest of the month UGHHH! CNY MAN! Such a BAD timing to get piercings right. Summore I really dont know how to go to school like that. 100% kena tangkap.=x

But oh well. I'll somehow find a way.=D Surprisingly, mum didnt scold us at all! I know I look abit wild and bad now but I did it just for fun. And the pain was bearable lahh, although I screamed when the person pierced my ear. Having more than one piercing on each ear was one of the impossible things to me. In fact, alot of things were.

When I was in form1 and form2, wearing baju kurung everyday seemed like a faraway/impossible thing to me cause mum didnt let me wear bk back then. But now Im wearing it EVERY SINGLE DAY. Similar situations such as owning a laptop, getting into choir schoolteam, attending concerts (Rain, David Archu, AAR!) etc. Im really lucky. I should appreciate my parents more man.

Hence, I shall go sleep now cause have to go to school tomorrow at noon for choir performance in PIBG meeting and summore have practice till 5pm *rolls eyes*.

Till then, have an awesome weekend!=D

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